Orchard Centre win a Green Apple award!
Orchard Centre is pleased to have won a Green Apple award. The Green Apple international environmental awards take place annually, recognising, rewarding and promoting environmental best practice around the world.
We won the award for waste management. The innovate element on our project was going back to basics to fully understand what wastes/recyclates the tenants were generating and when. The knowledge enabled these wastes/recyclates to be stored, collected and processed in the most environmentally friendly manner possible. We found that the best innovation was to look inwards and to go back to basics with simple actions such as the correct labelling of bins, strategically located bins and polite communication between all parties.
Working towards the award was a great team effort but Dean, our Operations Manager and Brian from Futur First led the improvements. On winning the Green Apple, Steve Murray, Regional Centre Manager, commented ‘whilst it is nice to be recognised for this award, we all feel, it’s just our job!’
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